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Licensure & Certification

Helpful links:

Delaware Department of Education's guide to Educators CertificationHow to apply for a Standard License How to apply for a Paraeducator Permit

Out-of-State License

If you are an educator who holds Licensure in another state and wishes to apply for a Delaware License, you will need to register and apply online for Delaware Licensure and Certification. The License allows you to teach in Delaware, and the Certificate identifies the subject(s) you may teach. You may apply for only one License but multiple Certificates. Click here to begin the registration process:

Delaware Educator Data System (DEEDS)Out-of-State Applicant Certification Overview

Educators who have less than one year of credentialed teaching experience are required to pass an approved Performance Assessment within two years of being hired and issued a Delaware initial teaching license. Click here to learn more about the Performance Assessment