Welcome everyone!
In the coming days and months our staff will be working on ways to close opportunity gaps by using data to inform decision making processes and the implementation of restorative practices where applicable. It is a great time to be a Rider as we set a course to take Rider Pride to new heights. We will accomplish this task by understanding that every student in our district is unique, thus requiring a unique approach to serving their needs. We aim to do this in an environment where students can see their image in our staff and our staff are mindful of the importance of making every student feel our schools are a comfortable space to learn.
Please be sure to check this page periodically for resources and updates! Additionally if you are a student or parent in the district and you have ideas or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail: Cliffvon.Howell@cr.k12.de.us or phone (302) 698-4800.
Office Location:
7 Front St., Wyoming, DE 19934
Phone Contact: