Free Virtual Parent and Family Education Workshops
The Delaware Department of Education is honored to offer a series of Virtual Parent and Family Education Workshops entitled, “Parent as Coach, Developing A Family Dream Team”. Darrell “Coach D” Andrews, our facilitator, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, life coach, and is a father of four. Over the course of the next six months, Mr. Andrews will offer a series of virtual workshops in all three counties with hopes of motivating and providing parents with user-friendly strategies to assist them in maximizing their students’ overall academic success.
The sixth and final Parent and Family Education Workshop series will be held on June 21 (Sussex), June 22 (New Castle), and June 23 (Kent) from 7:00-8:30pm each night. This month’s topic, “Developing Our Personal Power As Parents!”, will provide families with valuable tips for motivating and leading our children in accomplishing their goals. Translation services will be provided for our Spanish speaking families. Click the links below to access both the English and Spanish flyer. Included in the Spanish version are the instructions for accessing the translation services via the Zoom platform.
June 2021 Parent as Coach flier- English
June 2021 Parent as Coach flier- Spanish
The first of the series, “Creating A Home Culture of Success Amid Crisis” was held in January. This impactful session provided parents and families with powerful strategies for maintaining an effective balance for tasks such as remote/hybrid learning, work, and other family responsibilities. Click Here to view the video from this workshop.
The second of the series, “Producing Academic Success from Your Kitchen Table: Helping Kids Learn at Home” was held in February. Families received powerful strategies for enhancing their children’s academic success. Click Here to view the video from this workshop.
The third of the series, "Connecting Dreams to Education" was held in March. Parent and families learned user-friendly tips for identifying their children’s talents and for utilizing these strengths for pursuing a life-fulfilling career. Click Here to view the video from this workshop.
The fourth of the series, “Helping Our Children Gain Emotional Control” was held in April. Parents and families learned valuable tips for helping our children maintain emotional balance in spite of any life challenges. Click Here to view the video from this workshop.
The fifth of the series, “Motivating Our Children To Take Charge of Their Education” was held in may. Parents and families learned valuable tips for encouraging our children to become intentional in their efforts to maximize their academic achievement. Click Here to view the video from this workshop.
For questions, contact Eric Stancell at or 302-857-3333.