Tara Faircloth, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Phone: 302-697-4979
- Oversees Academic Curriculum and Instruction
- Manages Curriculum Cabinet
- Supports Schools
- Supports District Initiatives
- Oversees Professional Development
- Manages Grants
- Mentoring Coordinator
- Supports Achievement Liaison Teachers (ALT)
Mr. Keith Wisher, Supervisor of Instruction
Phone: 302-698-4804
- Supervises K-12 curriculum development and instructional supervision in the areas of
- social studies
- world languages
- Chinese and Spanish immersion
- multilingual learners
- environmental education
- Assists with the development, implementation, and fiscal oversight of the district’s Title I and Title III, as well as the Opportunity Grant programs
- Serves as liaison between the district office and state educational committees including:
- Delaware Social Studies Coalition
- Delaware World Language Teacher Leader Network
- Delaware Data Forum
Barbara Miklus, Supervisor of Instruction
Phone: 302-698-4805
- Supervisor of English Language Arts Instruction Pre-K-12
- Title I Grant
- Humanities Council
- Reading Specialists
- Library-Media Specialists
- District Test Coordinator
- Summer School Coordinator
- Dual Enrollment
- Pre-K Curriculum Initiatives
- Gifted Enrichment Education Program
- Advanced Placement Courses
Kimberly Corbeil, Supervisor of Instruction
Phone: 302-698-4815
- Math K-12
- Science K-12
- CTE 6-12
- Fine Arts K-12
- Supervise Math and STEM Resource Teachers
- Math/Science Council
- Fine Arts Council
- Careers Council
- Title IX Coordinator
Lauren Boulden, Digital Learning Resource Teacher
Phone: 302-698-4833
- Promote and support the use of digital learning tools for blended learning K-12
- Assist teachers with district tech programs: Clever, Schoology, Google, Classkick, EdPuzzle, Peardeck, SMART, Clever
- Support students’ 1:1 Chromebook use
- Design, teach, and support professional learning opportunities for all staff
- Evaluate, promote and use existing and emerging instructional technology to improve learning outcomes
- Work collaboratively with other professionals in planning programs to meet the needs of diverse populations of learners.
- Serve as a liaison between teachers and the district technology department to best communicate needs
- Lead Mentor
Carolyn Bush, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher
Phone: 302-698-4829
- Promote and support the use of digital learning tools for blended learning K-12
- Assist teachers with district tech programs: Clever, Schoology, Google, Classkick, EdPuzzle, Peardeck, SMART, Clever
- Support students’ 1:1 Chromebook use
- Design, teach, and support professional learning opportunities for all staff
- Evaluate, promote and use existing and emerging instructional technology to improve learning outcomes
- Work collaboratively with other professionals in planning programs to meet the needs of diverse populations of learners.
- Serve as a liaison between teachers and the district technology department to best communicate needs
Jaime Campbell, Math Resource Teacher
Phone: 302-697-4342
- K - 5 Math Instructional Coach
- Coordinator for K- 12 iReady Mathematics Online Platform
- Support the Use of Kiddom Online Platform
- Support K - 5 Math Teachers Instruction and Assessment
- Monitor the Use of K - 5 Math Curricular Materials
- Support K - 5 Math Summer Programming
- Teacher Mentoring Support
- Attend DE and District Math Meetings
- Support Math/Science Council
- Design and Present Math Professional Learning
Brittany Cole, Science Resource Teacher
Phone: 302-697-4340
- Supports science instruction
- Supports GEEP instruction
Rebecca Donahue, Elementary Reading Resource Teacher
Phone: 302-698-48
- Provides curriculum support and implementation for elementary English Language Arts classrooms
- Provides instructional support and coaching for elementary English Language Arts classrooms
- Provides professional development in research-based best practices for elementary classrooms
- Provides support to reading specialists and Achievement Liaison teachers
Dr. Oribel McFann-Mora, Language Acquisition Coordinator, ELL Teacher
Phone: 302-698-4843
- Multilingual Learners (MLLs - students honing their English skills) Programming and Services
- MLL Teacher Coach
- MLL Teaching and Assessment
- Language Interpretation Support
- Teacher Mentoring Support
- MLL Summer Programming
- Other duties as assigned