CRSD EL Parent Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This letter is to inform you that the following schools in the Caesar Rodney School District are participating Title I schools; W. Reily Brown, Allan Frear, McIlvaine, Nellie Stokes, Star Hill, David E. Robinson, and W.B. Simpson. Title I is a federal program that helps support schools who have high percentages of children from low income families. This program helps to ensure that all children have access to and strive to meet challenging academic standards within their participating school. We are very proud of the programs and opportunities that our students have within these schools to help with their.
The Caesar Rodney School District will continue to include opportunities each year to help our students that are supported by Title I funding and overall program requirements. Additionally, parents and guardians are always welcome to provide input with their child’s teacher, school administrators and/or the District Office Title I Coordinator regarding ideas to support the school and their child’s education.
As a Title I school, there are also important pieces of information to continue to share with our Parents / Guardians:
- All parents and guardians may find the Parent and Family Engagement Policy on the district’s website at /Page/1610
- Each year, schools shall provide information to parents regarding their child’s level of achievement, and academic growth, on each of the state’s academic assessments.
- Parents and guardians have the right to request information regarding any State or LEA Policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA and by the State or District. Information regarding the types of assessments that fall into these categories can be found on the district’s website at /Page/3686
- Parents and guardians have the right to know, upon request, the teacher and/or paraprofessional’s qualifications / licensure for the classroom in which your child is being instructed or has been instructed. You can access this information by going onto the Delaware Educator Data System (DEEDS) website at or by submitting a request for this information to Mrs. Amanda Mazzola, Supervisor of Human Resources. Schools shall provide timely notice that a student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
- Formal procedures to submit and resolve complaints alleging violations of the law in the administration of any federal programs can be found on the district’s website at /Page/3637.
- Schools in our district shall, no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year, inform parents of an English Learner identified for participation and/or participating in such a program.
- For an English learner identified during the school year, the school will inform parents during the first 2 weeks of the child being placed in a language instruction educational program.
- Parents and guardians of English Language Learners shall be invited to an Annual Title I / Title III Meeting.
- Parents and guardians of any identified English Learner have the right to be active participants in their child’s education by regular and ongoing communication with the ELL/ESL teacher regarding helping their child attain English proficiency and their child’s overall achievement. They are also welcome to be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of English Learning Programs held in their child’s school.
If you should have any questions regarding information from this letter, please reach out to your school’s principal or to me.
Thank you.
Darren T. Guido, Ed. D., Supervisor of Instruction.