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English Language Arts

Curriculum and Instruction


English Language Arts
The Caesar Rodney School District's English Language Arts curriculum is the roadmap for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the Delaware ELA standards.
If you have any questions regarding English Language Arts (ELA) in grades PreK - 12, please contact:

Barbara A. Miklus, Supervisor of Instruction:
Rebecca Donahue, District Resource Teacher Grades 2 - 5:
Kim Weber, District Resource Teacher Grades Pre-K - 1:
Michelle Sell, District Resource Teacher Grades 6-12: 



Please visit the following links for grade-band curriculum information

PreK  (this link takes you to a page outside of the CRSD website)

Grades K - 5 (American Reading Company)

Grades 6 - 12 (HMH Into Literature)

Middle School Plan Advanced English Language Arts SY 2024

Please click HERE for additional resources.