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National Title 1 Distinguished School

National Title 1 Distinguished School - Stokes

Stokes Elementary

The National Title I Association has been selecting examples of superior Title I school programs for national recognition through the National Title I Distinguished Schools program since 1996. Selected schools must qualify for one of the following categories:

Category 1: Exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive years
Category 2: Closing the achievement gap between student groups

Sixty-eight schools were selected by their individual states based on a combination of academic achievement of their students and the creative and innovative programs that contribute to their success. They join hundreds of other distinguished schools making a difference for our nation's Title I children. These schools demonstrate a wide array of strengths, including team approaches to teaching and learning, focused professional development opportunities for staff, individualized programs for student success and strong partnerships between the school, parents and the community. What makes these schools' stories especially powerful are the documented student achievement gains that have resulted from their innovations.
- More Information on Title I Distinguished schools