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About the Four A's

About CR


A strong academic program is the cornerstone of the educational experience in the Caesar Rodney School District. Regardless of grade level or class, the purpose of all coursework at CR school district is to challenge students with a rigorous, cutting-edge, 21st-century curriculum. Moreover, the curriculum work ensures that each pupil is college and career ready when they leave Rider Country.


The arts are alive and well in the Caesar Rodney School District! CRSD has a long-standing tradition of amazing bands, chorus's, and thespian productions in the local community. Additionally, the visual art classes produce creative, award-winning work and student displays throughout the academic year. Talent certainly flourishes in Rider Country.


There is a strong tradition of athletics in the Caesar Rodney high school.  The school boasts a total of 37 male and female teams (freshman, JV, and Varsity) over three seasons of competition (fall, winter, and spring).  Caesar Rodney High School has also consecutively won the “Henlopen Conference Founders Cup” 19 times, which is an all-sports trophy that recognizes the comprehensive success of all school teams throughout an academic year.  It’s a great day to be a Rider when playing sports at CRHS!

No matter where you go, or what you do, you will always be a Rider.  We are proud of our alumni and their contributions to the local community and beyond.  The 2015-2016 school year will be the 100th year that “Rider Pride” will abound with the current staff, students, alumni, and local community.  Stay tuned for future activities relating to our centennial anniversary in 2015-2016!